IDP+ 2024 IDP Invitational

Data updated every 2-4 hrs; more frequently during games.


Playoffs start with the top 100 teams from the season, either 16 wins or highest PF (points for). During the playoffs, teams are evaluated week by week by points scored + the average score from the regular season. This mostly falls in line with Scott Fish Bowl rules.


Weekly scores are calculated as the week progresses, so rankings will fluctuate as games are ongoing.

Live rankings

Rankings reflect the win-loss rate, followed by total cumulative score (see 'Playoffs' for playoffs rankings). Live score may reflect the score before all games are completed/stats are updated.


Note: PF/PA refers to the score as of the last completed week. live_score reflects the last completed week + any additional in the current week.

Live Transactions Page

Live transactions (add/drops) from across the league.


Transactions Summary Page

Summary of transactions (add/drops) by week across the league.


Side Game Summary Page

Current side game standings by division. Teams are compared to their respective draft picks in the other divisions.

Side Game Weekly Page

Current weekly standings by pick number in the side game. Each team's weekly score (higher is better) reflects the rank compared to their respective draft picks in the other divisions. After a division has been eliminated, scores are no longer calculated for the respective teams.

Draft Page

Draft comparison across the league.

Fun Statistics

Interesting stats and insights from the league.

Weekly Winners

Current Week's Top Players
